Swisson | sku: SWISS-XMT-500-SET Swisson DMX Tester & RDM/Ethernet Controller MSRP: $653.35 Add to Cart
City Theatrical | sku: CTI-6000 City Theatrical DMXcat Bluetooth Multi Function Lighting Test Tool MSRP: $424.66 Add to Cart
Blizzard | sku: BLZ-CABLE-GUY Blizzard Cable Guy Cable Guy™ is an advanced, professional cable testing tool that no lighting designer or stage tech can afford to be without. Its easy to operate and can be used for testing a wide variety of common cable types including 3-pin XLR, 5-pin XLR,... MSRP: $129.99 Add to Cart
NuDelta Digital | sku: NDD-LPT1 NuDelta Digital LED Pixel Tester The Pixel Tester from NuDelta Digital is a first of its kind test kit and manual controller for LED pixel tape and modules. The Pixel Tester can be used with over thirty common types of individually addressable LED devices. Features removable... MSRP: $340.00 Add to Cart
NuDelta Digital | sku: NDD-LTT1 NuDelta Digital LED Tape Tester The LED Tape Tester from NuDelta Digital is a simple manual controller for testing and troubleshooting LED tape. The tester will drive any LED tape or module from 12 to 24 volts at up to 10 amps. It features a voltage and current meter,... MSRP: $325.00 Add to Cart
Swisson | sku: SWISS-XMT-500-SET Swisson DMX Tester & RDM/Ethernet Controller The basic functionalities of the XMT-500 include useful features for DMX, RDM, Art-Net, sACN, signal testing as well as cable testing. While the DMX functionality allows to send values to any DMX channel or observe received signals, the RDM features help... MSRP: $653.35 Add to Cart
TMB | sku: TMB-PPIQTESTRLV TMB IQ Tester LV Ethernet DMX Tester FEATURES Complete analysis of active Network streams and devices Monitors network activity and bandwidth usage Color-coded, scrolling Packet Lister, with touch navigation, shows raw Ethernet packets Multicast Stream detection with... MSRP: $1,327.20 Add to Cart
SALE Rosco | sku: GT3104 GAMchek 120V Twist Lock Tester Type a description for this product here... MSRP: $239.00 $179.25 $143.40 Add to Cart
City Theatrical | sku: CTI-6100 City Theatrical DMXcat-E DMXcat-E allows users to perform cable testing of 5-pin XLR and Ethernet cables via an included external remote. DMXcat-E can read SMPTE timecode as well as MIDI timecode and regular MIDI for audio and other entertainment projects. DMXcat-E uses... MSRP: $552.91 Add to Cart
Swisson | sku: SWISS-XRC-CT15B Swisson External Contact Box Remote control of the XRC-200 Connection through a RJ45 cable ( not included ) Powered by the XRC-200 15 contacts GND and VC LED connection control Wallmount MSRP: $184.80 Add to Cart
Swisson | sku: SWISS-XRC-200-X Swisson DMX Dynamic Recorder Exact 100% record and replay of complex lighting movements and lighting sequences All shapes like circles and loops will be replayed exactly Use the XRC-200 as a backup device to analyze and takeover the DMX signal in the event of... MSRP: $978.15 - $1,006.15 Choose Options
NuDelta Digital | sku: NDD-DXT1 NuDelta Digital DXT DMX Tester Save time by equipping everyone on your crew with a DMX Tester. Our DMX Tester has the three features you need the most: Send signal, receive signal, and test cable.It can send any level to any DMX address with simple commands similar to those found on... MSRP: $325.00 Add to Cart
City Theatrical | sku: CTI-6000 City Theatrical DMXcat Bluetooth Multi Function Lighting Test Tool The DMXcat system is designed for use by the lighting professional who is involved with the planning, installation, operation, or maintenance of theatrical and studio lighting equipment. The system consists of a small hardware interface device and... MSRP: $424.66 Add to Cart