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Live Event and Tour Support


We're The People, Behind The People, Behind The Event

Over the past 40+ years, VLS has managed more than 10,000 projects and productions. So whether you’re doing a large outdoor festival or a small intimate concert, Vincent Lighting can meet your needs. VLS employs ETCP certified technicians and riggers to make sure your event runs smooth and the set-up is safe. In addition, we are memebers of the Event Safety Alliance and are fully insured. Count on our rental house, the largest in the Midwest, to provide you with the newest lighting equipment.

Get more information on VLS Here:

Tours and Live Events We Serve Include 

Serving the Touring and Live Event Community

Touring can take many forms. From a one-off event such as a wedding or rally to a club tour or national extravaganza. Putting the right pieces together for an artistic and efficient production is what Production Advantage is all about. We understand tour logistics - we can have your supplies waiting for you at your next tour stop. If it’s budget limitations or artistic desires, we are here to work through the design and execution phases to make your show a memorable one. Our team with over 250 years of combined experience will develop the best solutions for your lighting, audio and rigging needs. You can’t buy a tour on-line from a computer! We’ve got your back.

Tour Lighting

There are many specific fixtures, consoles and other equipment best suited for touring and live events. Get the best one-on-one personal advice from our highly experienced professionals. Whether you are looking for a purchase, rental or repair we are here to serve you with outstanding customer service.

Tour Rigging

Rigging is a highly technical area of entertainment whether it is in a dedicated venue or on location. You can count on our certified ETCP riggers and designers to have the answers you need. Whether it’s trussing, chain motors, or a full rig we’ve got your back!


Tour Supplies

A tour doesn't move without Gaff tape, fog fluid, tie lines, batteries, and countless other expendables/perishables. Trust us to be there when you need supplies and parts. Count on us for your everyday needs. We have what you need, when you need it, where you need it.

Tour Communications

Good communication is the key to a successful tour. Stay in touch with professional touring intercoms and cue light solutions.

Tour Systems Integration
& Maintenance

Every system need good maintenance to keep it safe and efficient. At Production Advantage we have the parts in stock to keep you system in top working order. Our staff knows your equipment inside and out. Making the whole package of lighting, audio and rigging work efficiently and safely is always our goal. We can build your system to meet any standards. Count on Production Advantage, powered by VLS to help you accomplish your goals.


Tour Services & Repair

Owning or renting lighting, audio or rigging equipment is only half the goal. Keeping them in top working order and observing strict safety issues is also a top priority. Our technicians know their business with years of experience to back them up. We have the manufacturers training and certifications to diagnose any problem. We keep your system up to date and up to par.


On-Site Events Systems Training

Gathering a bunch of parts is one thing, learning the best and most efficient ways to use them is another. Production Advantage, powered by VLS can come to your site or provide in-house training on all your components. Make sure your crew is getting everything possible out of your equipment and working safely. We’ve got your back!


Lighting Console Training

Audio Console Training

Magic Sheet Creation

System Pre-programming

System Configuration


Contact Us

Toll-free: 1-800-922-5356