Product Description
The QolorFLEX 4x5A Dimmer can control a full 20A of LED tape spread over four channels of 5A each. It uses constant voltage technology which ensures consistent full range dimming that is especially important at low end light levels. The unit is easily surface mounted and has spring contact terminal blocks for all electrical and data connections. An easy to read onboard display and four button user interface allows selection of stand alone mode or setting DMX addresses, setting quantity of DMX channels, selecting 8 or 16 bit output resolution, setting PWM frequency (500Hz to 30KHz), setting output dimming curve values for matching the dimming curves of other dimmers in use, and setting the device’s operating profile. The QolorFLEX 4x5A Dimmer is also RDM capable. The unit requires a separate power supply providing input voltage of 12-24VDC. The maximum current load per channel is 5A with a maximum device output of 20A.